Back to Level 1 and it's nearly the end of the year!
Hi guys, sorry it's been a while since my last email. Truthfully, I got a bit lazy because I was busy gardening. I've been planting fruit trees in wine barrels, experimenting with making cuttings (thanks YouTube), planting flowers, replanting flowers after Fonsi dug the soil up and putting screws into my fence to try to keep it straight on my side. I've now learnt that to use an impact drill, you need a special kind of screw bit. Should have looked up YouTube. I hope everyone is enjoying Level 1 freedoms and the lovely weather that we have been having. It's time to make all those health, exercise and spring time resolutions that you'll probably not keep. Join the club. You can make them again in the New Year. It's only 2 months till the end of the year. Wow - the year has gone fast. Did anything important happen? Anyway - I though I'll do some house keeping to keep everyone in the loop. Some discussion about how we function under Level 1 and some getting towards the end of year stuff. I'll also - as per usual give some of my thoughts about the current pandemic climate. I thought I might include a section about some of my thoughts on life.
Clinic stuff
1. We are back in Level 1. Yay! So feel free to come in as you are for in person consultations. We will still be asking screening questions for your safety. Please be patient with the receptionist running through things with you. 2. Mask wearing - the staff will still be wearing masks. Please wear a mask if you have a cough or if you just prefer too. I'll talk about mask wearing in general later. 3. Video and Telephone consults - we are keeping this going. A lot of people have enjoyed the convenience. I think people have gotten used to this and find it acceptable. 4. Prescriptions - the end of the year is approaching. Please sort out your prescription before Christmas to avoid running out of medications. We will of course let the surrounding pharmacy know to give you your medications if you're in a pinch - and we'll sign for it. 5. Closing times. Traditionally we close for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year. Our last day of 2020 will be Thursday 24 December 2020, and we will open again on Monday 11 January 2021. You can still ring our number to talk to a nurse for health queries. You can still email me and I'll try to answer it within 48 hours. Might be longer if I'm travelling.
COVID19 Pandemic stuff
We are in level 1 - which means that there is likely to be no community spread. This allows us to have near normal levels of freedom. However - it is a "be ready" state. It is statistically likely that there will be another community break in the future. Who knows when that'll be - 4-6 months will be my guess. We may or may not go back into another lock down.
Which brings me back to the subject of mask wearing.
Should we still wear masks?
I would argue - yes.
If you are out in any place that is likely to have groups of people - such as a supermarket, shopping mall, crowded beach etc - you should get into the practice of wearing a mask. This keeps you in practice and makes it a routine thing. If you're exercising or meeting people in your house or just over a table at a restaurant then don't bother.
Here's the thing - wearing a mask is equivalent to wearing a seat belt, or using a condom. You don't wear a seat belt only because you know today is the day you're going to have an accident. And you don't wear a condom because you definitely know this time she's going to get pregnant. You just don't know. Imagine if we have another bout of COVID19 in the community. We will all be sitting around and groaning that church goers didn't wear masks. If it becomes common practice, the next lot of community spread might mean that we don't have to go into a lock down.
So - yes, I'll be THAT annoying looking guy with a mask at Bunnings and Pak N Save. Aside from telling you about my shopping preferences - I'm trying to practice what I'm preaching.
So it's your choice. But wearing a mask after hearing about community spread is like wearing a seat belt after you've had an accident. Or using a condom after sex. I know it sounds stupid. But the stakes could be high. :)
So as Captain Planet would say - "The Power is Yours!". I'm a child of the 80s and 90s cartoons.
Life blurb
I've been thinking recently about the difference between intelligence and wisdom. The world seems to have plenty of intelligence but not enough wisdom. Why is this a big problem? We've all never been more educated and smarter. But the world keeps making bad decisions. Wisdom also does not appear to be age dependent.
My take on this is the following:
Intelligence is knowing when you're right. Wisdom is knowing when you're wrong.
I think the ability to admit when you're wrong is fundamental in making good decisions, because it means we can correct our behaviour. So - I guess, to become more wise, we should all be asking ourselves the following question:
"Is it possible that I'm wrong about this?"
I think this is much more powerful than asking "Am I wrong?". When you make being wrong a possibility - you are more likely to think about it and maybe see another point of view. When you make being wrong binary - of course you're not wrong. No one likes being wrong. In fact - we really like being right.
So that's my possibility question of the month. Give it a try and let me know if you've become wiser. Good luck!
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